My heart sank when it snowed in the night and some roads became un-driveable, but still, out of eighty expected, thirty five great, adventurous people joined me in the theatre to celebrate the launch of The Romancer.
Bishop Auckland Town Hall still put on a good show for me. We still had our silver stars and our air of celebration; I still had my whole collection of books on show including photos of the very first launch, with the cake iced with the illustration from the cover of Riches Of The Earth.
I still had my timeline of books stretching from 1972 to 20010’
My friend Gillian Wales still managed the proceedings with her usual elan, standing beside the writer’s portrait painted by Fiona Naughton which rested on the massive, black ,paint-splashed easel of the late Tom McGuinness, the wonderful artist whose biographies Gillian has co-written.
My friend, writer Avril Joy, still read passages from The Romancer in her usual restrained, nuanced fashion which lets the drama speak for itself.
There were still lots of copies of The Romancer to share and sign.
And still people talking, always talking. And people listening with focus and asking really good questions.
And Bishop FM’s Terry Ferdinand, invisible behind his camera, was still taking these pictures.
Lots of writers to talk to… some of them not quite on camera
And we still drafted in the boy who loves chocolate to flaunt the balloons and hand around Anton’s wonderful canapes. And we still got to relish Anton’s Romancer Cocktails.
So we drank a toast to absent friends who had not managed to get there but were with us in spirit. And after all dratted the snow didn’t win.
And on Friday The brilliant Northern Echo published my article about the personal significance of writing The Romancer on its Leader page.
I called the piece ROMANCING THE NORTH which seemed appropriate.
If you fancy seeing what all the fuss was about you can buy The Romancer direct from me - signed if you wish ( email :
Or order it from good bookshops
Or from Amazon online
Or order it from your local library…