Extract from The Maison Bleue
(This novel will be published in September, If you would like to order a signed copy email me at wenrob73@hotmail.com )
Crime writer Ruthie Dancing finds the house where she will set up her writer's retreat:

And in an outbuilding in the garden Ruthie finds the place where her writers will find inspiration and write.
... ‘Don’t go in there, Ruthie!’
Aurélie’s voice comes from behind her. ‘It is a very nasty in there. Full of
filthy stuff.’
The heavy door with its big
iron latch should be hard to move but it isn’t. It slides easily when Ruthie pushes
it. And now where she is standing the bright southern light trickles through
gaps in the roof and through the five arched, unglazed windows on the opposite greenish
black wall.
The floor is knee deep with
the detritus of centuries – rank soil, rotting leaves, tree branches, paper
labels, wrinkled condoms, tin cans, broken glasses and bottles: all whirled
here on the wings of the mistral, that high southern wind that will
leave nothing in its proper place.
Aurélie stands, arms folded,
and watches with some amusement as Ruthie scrapes her way through the rubbish
down to the surface of the floor then pulls off her scarf to scrub at it. ‘It’s
marble, Aurélie! Marble!’ She laughs with delight. She scans the space. ‘This
must have been a very important room.’ On a place high on the far wall and are
streaks and lines of dust like shadow of a high tide. ‘And there’ve been
bookshelves here. Bookshelves!’
She stands there, her face
burning in the high sun of mid day streaming through the windows. She can see long tables here, high desks. And she
can see men with their heads down over their writing, filled with the focused
energy so familiar in her own working life.
‘Ruthie? Are you all right?’
Aurélie is beside her, her hand on Ruthie’s shoulders....'
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