Laughter and great conversation at last night's Room To Write celebration for the winners and shortlisted writers in our
Today, from Ruth Henderson, short-listed writer, to us at 'Room to Write':
Dear Avril, Wendy and Gillian. Thank you for a lovely time
last evening, it was good to talk to all the short listed writers, there's
always a new friend to make. Listening to why the judges liked a particular
story was so interesting, I'm looking forward to reading them all. ...You
were all so kind to me, seeking me out to talk about my work. it was
obvious all the judges really had read every story, and, although I'm sure Pat
Barker was kind to all of us, I was thrilled when she spoke to me with such knowledge
and understanding of my story. so once again, many thanks and i wish
success to you all and continuing prestige for Room to Write'
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Sally Wylden - , short-listed writer - talking to Pat Barker |
Writers Eileen Elgey and Liz Gill celebrate in style |
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Our Winner Christine Powell in the peace garden
at the Lafcadio Hearn Peace Garden at Lafkadio Hearn Centre
at Teikyo University at Durham |
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Novelist Pat Barker who presented the prizes talking to two winners
Christine Powell and John Adams |
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rachel cochrane in earnest conversation with writers. Rachel
will record the winning stories for her broadcasting website |
Ruth Henderson - short listed writer - in conversation. Behind her Mike Daley Bursar of
Teiko University of Japan in Durham. |
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Me taking a breather
(I am smiling inside, honestly!) |
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