I’m at the moment very
absorbed in hyper-editing my Big New Novel for publication later this year. (More
about this in a later post.) Also have
just re-edited and republished my novel Paulie’s
Web for Kindle and for hard copy publication later this month (Hooray!).
So it occurs to me that if
we – as I am at this moment – are in
the present day climate editing ourselves to the point of publishing we
certainly need High Quality Self Editing Skills to produce our work to a
professional standard.
Being Your Own Editor
As I said in my last post
I’m a great believer in writing the novel that is in your heart, the novel you
need to write, not a novel to someone else’s rubric or model. But editing is different from writing. This
hyper-editing process has made me realise that I’m beginning to take the more
editorial position where I have become absorbed an editor’s perspective on my
book. This does not mean I’ve discovered that I should change the substance or
content of the novel; it just means that I’ve become much more aware of the
reader and how she or he will see and
read the novel; how they will read it
and want to read on; how they will enjoy it and look for another novel by you.
The Process
My suggestions below might
seem a little elaborate. But if you take it step by step you should end up with
a readable, well edited and publishable novel to be proud of. I have to tell
you this – elaborate thought it may seem - is much easier than actually writing
a novel. I’ve been there and I know this is true.
My basic assumption before we start this process is
that you already have on your table a well written novel with a good storyline
in whatever genre, and interesting content. All it needs is good quality
Setting about High Quality Self Editing
Layout – How
it looks is the first thing the
reader first sees when they handle a book.
Don’t forget that your
computer may be automatically formatted business reports, brochures, and
letters. You need adapt these to make them suitable for fiction. There’s
nothing worse than trying to read a novel or short story laid out like a
business report.
Some guidelines for tackling layout.
- Place Chapter Titles a third of the way down the
page. I like to use titles but numbers are OK.
- Always insert a structural page break between
- Text size 11 or 12 points – not larger – that
looks amateurish.
- Line space I.5
- Indent every paragraph except the one at the
head of the chapter when you place
first line on the margin.
- If you change place, time or action within a
chapter, leave a doubles space and place the first line of the new
paragraph on the margin and then continue indentation.
Laid out in this fashion your
original drafted, transcribed manuscript begins to look professional. Now
you’re looking at it more like a reader.
This is a help for the next stage which is -
Passionate Substantive Editing – essential for High
Quality Self Editing.
Some tips:
1.Read the text out loud chapter by chapter, right through. Just mark
anything that sounds lumpy or doesn’t flow. Scribble in self suggestions. Have
- and enjoy – a reader’s dialogue with the text. Insert amendments that enhance your meaning or improve the flow
of your text.
2. Sort out the paragraphs.
can be a puzzle. I meet good writers in workshops who haven’t yet got
paragraphs nailed. It’s a bit of an ambiguous area. To a degree paragraphing
can be a matter of taste and style. Paragraphs in modern literature are
distinctly shorter that those written in novels – say – before 1946.
we aim for High Quality Self Editing we
have to make our own choices regarding paragraphing. Me? I’m of the opinion
that white space on the page makes text more accessible and helps it flow
So here are my useful rules of thumb.
New speaker, new
New idea, new
(As stated in
Layout, above). If you change place, time or action within a chapter, leave a
double space and place the first line of the new paragraph on the margin and
then continue indentation.
3 That sorted you can now move onto
other things
Carry out a
computer spell and grammar check to iron our residual mis-spellings,
expressions and extra spaces.
Read the whole
text again (I know! I know! But this is still High Quality Self Editing Skills
after all.
Now get your
notebook and make list of the names you use in your story. Check back through your
novel and make sure they are consistent.
Turn a page in
your notebook. Now go through your novel
and check the physical characteristics of your characters (hair eyes etc). Are
they consistent? (I had a novel where a central character mysteriously lost a
limp half way thought the novel.) Make
amendments to remind the reader of these characteristics as the novel unfolds.
any changed sections. Or the whole novel again if necessary.
Hooray! Now you have your complete well edited
novel, well laid out and easy to access.
NOW give your novel to a literate, well-read friend and supply a pen and a pack of Post-It notes. Of course you can could use (expensive?)
proofreading services but the highly literate friend can be just as good for
those aspiring to High Quality Self-Editing, Attend to her or his queries and
make amendments to the manuscript where you think it appropriate. Make useful amendments but don’t alter the
nature of the novel.
one final and rigorous spelling/grammar check on your computer and you have
what I call a novel in Good Heart.
Finally –More grammar/spellchecking. What,
you say? Well, this is about high quality self-editing skills.
So it is near perfect. This is your final chance to look at your novel as
a near-perfect whole and you can ask yourself some useful questions,
Look at the
beginning and end of each chapter. Are there valid connections here in terms of
words, phrases or ideas? If not, think about inserting some. It could be a
single word or phrase.
Look at the end
of one chapter and the beginning of the next. Is there forward movement? Is
there flow? Is there some energy on the forward movement?
Consider the
first and last chapters. Do they convey a kind of symmetry in the novel, however
ambiguous? I don’t mean here cute
resolutions. Endings are not about explanation or expiation. However there should
be a valid connection that momentarily gives the reader (however subliminally) a
sense of the novel as a whole.
And if you have made your characters live and
breathe the end of a novel is just the end on a beginning,
Now …er… one last mechanical spelling and grammar
check. Ouch! Don’t hit me!
But now your novel has really
benefitted from your High Quality Self Editing Skills. You have become an
editor as well as a writer. Your book will enjoy a credible professional
presence out there in the world, whether you publish it yourself or allow
someone else the privilege of publishing it,
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