Reading as a Writer - Lockdown Inspiration.
The themes of identity and poetry, anarchy and politics
flow through the voices of the men and women in The Savage Detectives by Chilean writer Roberto Bolano. Throughout
the novel a sense irony, melancholy, madness, regret and paranoia all emerge through
the stories told by his characters We encounter unfamiliar labels: ‘visceral realism’ ‘stridentist’ are scattered around like raisins
in a rich pudding.
And there are arresting phrases:
talked about poetry, bullfighters, politicians.’
‘… up
to my ears in ghosts.’
have to love your life that’s all there is to it. Literature is crap.’
a hired killer after every publisher.’
‘The shadows that face all editors in the end.’
‘That was the end of everything.’
In Bolano's novel the widely varied characters speak directly to the reader, as though he
or she is sitting with a group of friends or acquaintances. The time switches
confidently backwards and forwards between the 1960s to the 1970s just as the
stories embedded in it swing across the world. The novel sings hymns to the identity and
history of Mexico and the greater South American world. We hear of stories set
in Barcelona and Paris, in Vienna and Santiago.
This is a novel about time passing. It’s a novel about books and poetry. It’s
about travelling. It’s about dancing. It’s about political activism, about
drinking and about sex. At its centre is a passion for books. (One character
steals books from bookshops in a range of cities). The novel explores the
nature of writing and editing, and the philosophy of existence.
We learn this through the mysterious illuminations of
character through the stories they tell and through the filter of wide range of
characters – both men and women - in a language that appears simple. But it is
only superficially simple expressed as it is in sophisticated and poetically
worked short sentences.
Much of the philosophising is kind of barter between
individuals. A linking element is an old man who is his stories to some boys.
In the middle of the story he will address them directly from time to time in.
In the very last story he, the storyteller, lists all the
characters in the stories, reminding one of the mythic storytellers of Greece.
A Note: I discovered the work of Bolaño
through an article by Francine Prose* whose enthusiasm made me seek out his work.
Boleño has also been described by the magisterial Susan Sontag as “the real thing and the rarest”.
*Francine Prose: What To Read and What To Write.