My clever friend Sharon, smiled when
I showed her my current notebook with its index of contents, and told her that I
had indexed three earlier notebooks, re-discovering earlier drafts for articles, posts and stories
that made me
Clever Sharon keeps everything - her notes, stories, articles and
complex domestic domestic planning in her capacious head. I write everything
down, catching thoughts like fragments of spider’s webs before they escape.
Now, in yet another notebook, I have
rediscovered some advice I write to my daughter ten or so years ago. For some
reasons I wrote it sideways across the page - don't ask me why.
My daughter (another writer with notebooks) tells me that when she comes across something she wrote last year, it's as though it were written by someone else. She reads it with fresh interest and is even even inspired to think again.
Love the notebooks, love the advice - lucky (lovely) daughter!